Category Archives: Home

A plea to Luke Bryan

As I’ve said before: sometimes life gets in the way of your plans. I’m personally on maternity leave from my work and was very sad to hear that my dear friend Karen Rawski Brodeur was hospitalized May 30th.  She, and everyone else, were hoping it would be a short stay but surgery, infection, and a […]

So you want to be a runner?

Seen all those fun pictures on Facebook of people covered in color?  Dying to give one of those Zombie runs a try, but terrified that you’ll have a zombie feasting on your insides within 10 minutes?  Do you just want to be able to run to the mailbox without getting winded? All three of these […]

And life goes on…

Nothing makes four months fly by like the third trimester of pregnancy and having a newborn!   And with that, I apologize for the hiatus of this blog. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about the focus of this blog.  At first, I felt a little lost, that while the blog existed for me […]

Dream Big, Plan Small 2015 – Final

So in September, I updated my goals (specifically my fitness goals) after finding out (and announcing) that we would be expecting a third child. It has been a more “challenging” pregnancy than my previous pregnancy in 2012/2013.  Actually, other than the fact that we are having another boy, it has been the complete polar opposite.  […]

Homemade gifts from the heart for all the people in your lives

The holiday season, regardless of which one of the many holidays you celebrate, can be a stressful (and costly!) time of the year.   For some, there is the cost of travel, for others it’s the stress and cost of hosting the holidays at their home.  And while everyone around you will say “The holiday’s […]

My 4 favorite Holiday traditions

Let’s face it.  The holidays are a perfect combination of stress and happiness.  Elf on the Shelf, Caroling, getting together with the extended family can be outweighed by winter storms, holiday traveling (or hosting), and money issues. Before I started my own family, the holidays were a little simpler.  I had grown up and was […]

5 words my toddler says that tests my sanity

When my son turned 2 years, his practitioner voiced some concern that he might be a little behind in his speech.  It was something I tried to keep in mind, that we needed to work more on those social skills, to cultivate his language, and most importantly, to encourage it.  He had a particularly effective […]

And then life happens: updating your goals

As time goes by, sometimes we achieve goals and sometimes, things happen that elongate those goals.  Those goals don’t go away, though sometimes they grow into something different, or you find that the time table has changed for you. I turn 31 in less than a week which has led me to go back to […]

Little Readers: Ideas to help guide your children to love reading

I have always been an avid reader. As a child, both my parents read to me everynight.  I’m constantly reminded of this when my mother points at me and says “You better be reading to those kids everynight”.  As I grew, what I loved changed from dinosaurs, to Fear Street books, to books about talking animals, to fantasy.  Books were […]